AUG 2015 Sunset Lake Board Meeting Minutes
Attending: Mike McLaughlin, Patti Driscoll, Harshal Limaye, Pat Holoob, Michelle Caravella, John Arcoleo, Kari O’Connell, Bob Sellinger
Special attendees: Alice Jarvis, Jill Graef
Absent: Diane Adams, Mike Gilmore, Bob Papp
The meeting was called to order on August 4th, 2015 at 7:38 PM.
Special attendees
Alice Jarvis
Alice brought up the below concerns to the board at the meeting:
- At the bottom of Hemlock near the bench area the grass is not cut. Mike M. said he will bring this to the attention of Mike G, Grounds Secretary.
- Will the boats be picked up for winter? Mike responded that the plan is for the Boys Scout to offer delivery to registered owners. any unregistered boats will be picked up and stowed at the back of clubhouse or parking lot for later raffle or auction.
- Alice said she has not received beach tags for this year. Pat D said she usually hands them out on Father’s Day and the following Saturday. She said she will drop them off Alice’s house.
- Alice also said she has not received the members directory. Mike M responded the directory will be sent to Alice’s email soon.
Jill Graef
Jill Graef is interested in taking over the Social Secretary position starting next year. Michelle C. brought Jill to the meeting to introduce her to other board members.
- No motions were made.
President – Mike McLaughlin
- Mike announced there are new hammocks on beach.
- He said he is working with Mike G to get the cattails out by end of the year.
- Received three quotes to fix the light fixture in the parking lot.
- Lake Beautification: 4-5 people interested in volunteering on weekdays. Mike will organize programs in second week of August that will run during the week. These will include planting new trees/shrubs, outlining for bocce ball court, etc.
- Annual meeting is confirmed for Nov 14th from 2-5 pm at the Bridgewater Library free of cost – rooms A and B. WIFI is included. The annual meeting will be held at the library this year due to the expense of two special meetings held earlier this year at the Pluckemin church – one to approve the budget for the parking lot and one for the vote on proxies.
- Bridgewater Township has come back with timeline of late August for finishing repaving of Corielle Drive.
- Have received complaints about rash driving of a postal office vehicle. Mike has contacted the post office and requested them to address this complaint.
Vice President – Pat Holoob
- Pat reported that people are still dragging recycle bins behind the clubhouse.
- A reminder needs to be sent out to the membership to take their recycle items to the new recycle dumpster in the parking lot.
Treasurer – Bob Papp
Bob was absent at the meeting.
Grounds – Mike Gilmore
Mike was absent at the meeting.
Lifeguards – Kari O’Connell
- Kari reported there are 10 guards on staff.
- Lifeguard duty calendar is set through Labor Day
- $1000 under budget mainly due to turnaround in staff.
Membership – Patti Driscoll
Patti had nothing to report.
Social – Michelle Caravella
Upcoming social events
- Adult Movie night Aug 8th. 8 RSVPs received so far.
- Aug 29th game night.
- Sep 12th Adult party being planned
Water Quality – Diane Adams
Diane was absent at the meeting.
Environmental – John Arcoleo
- John reported that he has been quite busy setting up the barley bales. It seemed to work since the algae has disappeared.
- Hoping to get 2 lifeguards to pull the cattails out. They will paid at premium rate of $15/hour.
- Mike asked John if he saw any fishkill, he said no.
Correspondent Secretary – Bob Sellinger
Bob S. had nothing to report.
New business
Bob S – Pointed out we are not using the western inlet for any communal activity and was wondering if we can sacrifice that end and eliminate the island. John to investigate.
The meeting was closed at 8:30 pm.