March Board Meeting 3/1/16
Present: Mike Gilmore, Bob Papp, Pat Holoob, Lisa Kutchaver, Chris Lelli, Diane Adams, Harshal Limaye, Kari O’Connell, Jill and Keri Graef
Absent: Mike McLaughlin
Meeting began 7:40pm
Motions: February meeting minutes were reviewed and approved by the board members to be distributed to the membership via email, FaceBook and website.
President – Mike McLaughlin
Mike was absent at the meeting. Vice President, Pat Holoob conducted the meeting.
Vice President/Membership – Pat Holoob
Pat discussed different options and pricing to get badges made for members, with significant discounts applied for bulk quantity. The board decided to order 1000 badges with the Sunset Lake logo printed on them but not the year, so we can use them over 2-3 years. The cost will be 32c per badge with a total of approximately $400. Pat said we also need car and boat stickers made, since we do not have any left from prior years.
Pat reported she has put together an updated “New Membership” packet to be given out to new members and she needs a copy of the latest association bylaws to include in the packet.
Clubhouse – Chris Lelli
Chris said he will start working on fixing the hot water heater and the landline phone at the clubhouse.
Treasury – Bob Papp
Bob went over the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss statement for last month. He said we have 30 certificates still outstanding for redemption and pointed out that we carry this as our long term liability.
Bob reported that the totes containing Sunset Lake Records stored at Central Archiving company’s storage facility were destroyed in the recent Hillsborough warehouse fire. He is in contact with the archiving company and their insurance company to confirm the loss and find out compensation, if any.
Corresponding Secretary – Lisa Kutchaver
Lisa is talking to sign manufacturers/fabricators and getting quotes for making the sign, delivery and installation. The budget approved for the sign is $3000 and Lisa said if we can install it ourselves we can get a better price.
Lisa is also working on the Sunset Lake newsletter and she requested the board to send her a blurb on news in their respective areas of responsibility to include in the newsletter. Pat suggested we should include information about the Sunshine Club.
Lisa said she wanted to give a title to the newsletter like Sunset Lake Breeze or something along those lines. She’s shooting for release of the first newsletter somewhere around the middle of April.
Recording Secretary – Harshal Limaye
Nothing to report.
Environmental – open position
Grounds – Mike Gilmore
Mike G. reported the parking lot gate is fixed.
Lifeguards – Kari O’Connell
Kari talked about removing the unclaimed boats that are stowed away at the parking lot. Mike G said he will either run a raffle or put them on sale on Craig’s list. Any proceeds from the sale will go towards the purchase of a new lifeguard kayak.
Social – Jill and Keri Graef
Jill reported that roughly about 20 people have signed-up for the Sands Casino bus trip, with a capacity of 40 seats. If more people do not sign-up she may have to cancel the trip.
The dates for the upcoming social events are –
Easter Egg Hunt – March 19th.
May 7th – Spring cleanup
May 14th – Beer fest
May 21st – Open House 10am -2pm
May 30th – New members welcome Memorial day
Water Quality – Diane Adams
Diane is working with Mike M. on the construction of a boat ramp on the north shore of the lake. The ramp needs to be 12-15 ft wide and will be constructed by dumping 3/4 loads of gravel into the lake. It is planned to be completed by end of March. This ramp will be used by Aquatic Technologies to launch their boats used for water treatment.
New Business
Lisa recommended inviting “The Broadcasters” a classic rock band for the adult party this year.
Kari brought up geese control and Mike G said he will get on to it.
Keri talked about ideas to organize yoga sessions at lake. She said she knew some organization that would send a person out to the location to teach yoga for a small fee. The board also asked her to talk to Jim O’Connell.
Meeting was adjourned 8:56pm.