Sunset Lake Board Meeting Minutes
06 March 2017
In attendance: Mike McLaughlin, Mike Gilmore, Lisa Kutchaver, Mona Ragazzo, Maggie Potter, Chris Lelli, Cynthia Freud, Diane Adams
Absent: Bob Papp, Harshal Limaye
Meeting called to order at 7:48pm
Mike McLaughlin – President Update
Beaver update – a member of NJ Fish and Wildlife came to inspect the property to get an extended Trapping Permit.
We have a permit to addle or oil the Geese eggs.
Mona – Treasurer Update
Dues and memberships are still coming in.
The board discussed how to bring a delinquent member back onboard.
Reminder that music should be turned down at 10pm. We have received complaints after the past ‘nice weekends’.
Lisa – Corresponding Secretary Update
Looking at logos, but nothing to update.
Anything for a special newsletter to the surrounding neighbors should be submitted to Lisa – e.g. beavers, fertilizers, dogs-off leash, and garbage during winter.
Cynthia – Membership Update
Cynthia made a packet to give out to potential members – new homeowners in the area. It will be delivered to those with and just beyond the watershed. Cynthia will also provide the trifold to local Realtors to help advertise the lake to potential neighbors.
There are a couple potential new members that the board has been talking to.
Mike G. – Grounds
Trees. Dead tree on the beach (with the bat box) needs to be removed. There are already large branches on the beach. While this is being taken care of, Mike proposes taking care of the trees along the dam and all of the sticks along North Shore. We may also be able to include disposal of downed trees along S Shore, if we get volunteers to bring trees/branches to the road.
Geese. The grounds will be sprayed next week to deter geese. The spray makes the grass inedible for the geese. We’ll work on getting permission from homeowners this week to also spray the first 10ft of lawns surrounding the lake – mostly on N Shore Dr.
Mike proposed a temporary rule change to allow dogs on the beach. ‘Members may walk their leashed dogs on the beach to change the geese behavior, until May 1st, 2017.’ Mike McLaughlin made a motion to approve. Cynthia seconded. Temporary rule change approved by board by voice vote.
Hydroraking. This should improve the health of the shoreline and help defer dredging of the inlet. The board agreed that we need to try this to determine if it is a viable option for maintaining the lake with reduced or no dredging. Material will be moved to a part of the lake property at the very end of S Shore past the ball field.
Maggie – Lifeguards
Nothing to update. Will start reaching out to the past lifeguards soon.
Social – Open
We still don’t have a lead. However, the board can support someone who has an idea for an event. We propose to have leads for individual events rather since the social position is open. The 4th of July will be a large task.
We have volunteers to run the Egg Hunt, New Members Welcome Potluck, May clean up, and Movie Nights.
It was suggested to move the camp out to the early fall so that it is not as hot.
Diane – Water Quality
Contracts for water testing and algae/vegetation management are in place. Diane investigated tests for giardia due to the beavers. It was determined that it can be done for ~$1000 per test, but was deemed unnecessary by NJ laws and testing centers.
Chris – Club House
Security cameras will be purchased and installed soon.
New Business.
Diane –
The asphalt is contaminating our lake and is one of the main contaminants of the sediment. What can the lake do to stop to patching our roads?
Ideas discussed include attending Township Environmental Commission Meetings and town council meetings (every other Thursday), and inviting candidates for township to visit the lake. We need a member to advocate to township. The ask is to repave the roads and fix the storm drains.
Meeting adjourned at 8:57pm