Sep 2016 Board Meeting Minutes
Attending:Chris Lelli, Lisa Kutchaver, Jill Graef, Maggie Potter, Harshal Limaye, Bob Papp, Diane Adams, Mike McLaughlin
Absent:Mike Gilmore, Pat Holoob
The meeting started on Sep 6th, 2016 at 7:42pm.
Motions: Meeting minutes for August were reviewed and approved by the board for posting to the web and distribution to membership by email/facebook.
President – Mike McLaughlin
The new Sonos speakers at clubhouse were damaged by a member of the Lake. Neighbors around the clubhouse had to call on the police because the member was using the speakers way past 10PM and was causing very loud sound. Mike has addressed the issue by talking to the police and the member’s family. The family has reimbursed the lake for the amount to replace to damaged speakers.
Annual Meeting – This year’s annual meeting is set for Nov 13th between 2pm – 5pm. Mike will book the Presbyterian Church in Bedminster.
Hydro-raking at the inlet portion of the lake towards the East will remove the muck and push the lake dredging (which is required every 10 years or so) out further. It will also help with the cattails problem by pulling them out. It will cost approx $10,000. Mike asked the board if we can use the money from restoration fund for this purpose. The board agreed since hydro-raking is not a regular lake maintenance activity and belongs to lake restoration.
Mike asked everyone to start putting together a list for expenses in 2017.
Vice President – Pat Holoob
Pat was absent at the meeting.
Treasurer – Bob Papp
Bob Papp went over the financials for the prior month. He said he will put together a 2017 Budget Proposal for discussion during the next month’s meeting.
Affinity Account – Bob brought to the board’s attention a recording error by the bank. He had deposited a check for $1000 which was incorrectly recorded as $11,000. He has notified the bank of this error.
Director’s insurance – Bob reminded all board members that they are covered for liability under our insurance policy and asked everyone to read and acknowledge the letter he will be sending out by email regarding this.
Hillsborough Fire – Bob received a letter from the insurance company for the Hillsborough warehouse fire. The lake will be compensated in the amount of approx $28 @ $2 per tote for the 14 totes that were destroyed in the fire.
Bob also announced to the board that he has decided to step down at the end of this year. He was brought on the board in 2009 to straighten out the accounting books. Bob has accomplished this task, all books are in order and we have a Bookkeeper and an Accountant to ensure we maintain them going forward.
IRS – Letter from IRS assessed a penalty of $5,000 for late filing. Bob is going to craft a response to appeal and request a waiver on the penalty. In the past Bob was successful in getting penalties waived off and so we are hopeful.
Corresponding – Lisa Kutchaver
Pricing for July 4th – Lisa presented to the board her suggestions for having different pricing structure for adults, kids, food only (no alcohol) tickets.
Newsletter – She said she’ll be interviewing Alice Jarvis for the next edition of the lake newsletter.
Volunteerism – Lisa proposed some ideas to incentivize volunteerism by giving away punch cards that would be punched / stamped every time anyone participates in any volunteering activity. After certain number of punches (for eg. 10) the lake would offer the bearer of the card discounted tickets to lake events.
FaceBook – Lisa said she has noticed several people are on the lake FaceBook page, but they are not lake members. Mike M. said he had allowed that to encourage people to join.
Merchandising – Lisa proposed having Sunset Lake merchandise available for members to purchase such as T shirts, hats, etc. Mike M. said we need someone to champion this effort.
Lisa said she will be putting out a note in the newsletter “No guest unless member is present” as a reminder to the membership.
Lights to be put in the budget next year.
Recording – Harshal Limaye
Nothing to report.
Grounds – Mike Gilmore
Lifeguards – Maggie Potter
Maggie suggested to install a chalkboard in the back wall of the clubhouse which could be used to write useful information such as when the lifeguards go on a break or today’s temperature etc. She said the roof of the lifeguard post needs to be fixed. In her opinion the lifeguard pay was too low.
Social – Jill and Keri Graef
Yoga on the lake is working very well. Not spent any money it pays for itself.
Movie night – made $84 between raffle and the concession stand.
Adult party – Only 13 people had signed up so the party was cancelled.
Water Quality – Diane Adams
Dianne reported that there was some vegetation growing in the lake, but it’s healthy for the fish as they are mating. E. coli tests were normal. Dianne said she will renew the e. Coli contract with the same vendor as we are getting the same special rate like last year.
Clubhouse – Chris Lelli
Chris replaced the damaged audio system at the clubhouse. Football season is starting and he has set up audio for TV. Someone complained about sun glare on TV. Chris said he has anti-glare film which he will put on the TV.
New Business
Bob Papp asked about the updated by-laws and beach rules. Mike M said the latest ones are on the website.
Diane A said the cleanup is focussed on the North Shore side the Lake on the clubhouse side. She suggested setting up a separate cleanup day for cleanup of the South Shore drive side.
Lawn care – Mike G said he will be getting three new bids for lawn care and maintenance for next year.
Meeting adjourned at 9:16PM.